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Toffee & Smudge
These are my two cats Toffee (the calico) and Smudge.
Ask the Vet


Dear Dr. Schelling,

When I was at the veterinarian's office having my cat's routine examination done today, I was told that I should try brushing my cat's teeth. I laughed because I thought it was a joke, but it turns out the doctor was serious. I had no idea you could brush cats' teeth. How do you do it?

–Need Brushing Basics
Dear Basics,

While it can be difficult to brush some cats' teeth, and it often works best if you start getting them used to it while they're young, it is usually possible. In fact, it's important to keep your cat's mouth as healthy as possible to avoid many local and systemic problems. In fact, February is National Pet Dental Health Month!

You can learn the basics here of caring for your cat's teeth here: "Home Dental Care for Cats."

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Dr. Schelling is on Facebook, Instagram and Google+! Get up-to-date information on cat health, care, behavior and much more!

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nose-to-tail pet insurance coverage with Embrace


This is not a very comfortable subject for me, being a fine lady and all, but it seems as though I've developed a halitosis problem. I would like to ignore it and pretend it isn't happening, but that wouldn't be very ladylike of me. Plus, when I lick my fur, it makes my whole body smell bad. What can I do?

–Sad and Stinky

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Dear Stinky,

A fine lady like you doesn't have to settle for sour breath. In fact, it's best if you don't because it could mean you have a health problem. I know it's hard for you to talk to your human about this, but you really need to sit down and have a discussion about your mouth and what can be done.

Read this article together so you know what the possible causes could be: "Halitosis: Bad Breath in Cats."


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Have a question for Fancy? Email her at:

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Ask Fancy

This informative video teaches you how to brush your pet's teeth.
For the Humans . . .
The health benefits of garlic are more extensive than you might think. It can increase your immunity and fight bacteria, among other things. Check out this informative article, "How to Maximize the Health Benefits of Garlic," to learn more as well as find out about a simple cooking technique that can increase your body's ability to benefit from garlic.
Cats need to scratch on posts and pads they love.
Fancy's Mini Reviews

ENZADENT ENZYMATIC TOOTHPASTE BY VETQUINOL: As a general rule, I don't appreciate it when people try to put things in my mouth. I like to choose my own tasty treats. But I make an exception when my human brings out the Enzadent toothpaste. It tastes like chicken! Plus, when my human is done brushing my teeth with it, my mouth feels cleaner and fresher, and everything else I eat for the rest of the day tastes better. Win-win!

FINGER TOOTHBRUSH FOR CATS: When my human first said that she was going to brush my teeth and then brought out this finger brush, I admit that I was a little scared. I'm ashamed to say that I even tried to turn my face away when she brought it near me. But then she let me lick some yummy toothpaste off of it and I noticed how soft and interesting it felt on my tongue. Sure enough, when my human got it in my mouth and brushed my teeth, it didn't hurt at all. In fact, it felt great!

PETITE CAT TOOTHBRUSH: This cat toothbrush is petite; just like me and my mouth. My human can really get that small brush to my very back teeth and shine them up for me. I like shiny teeth. They're more menacing when I show them to my mouse toys.

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A group of grown cats is called a "clowder."
Cats come and go without ever leaving.             -Martha Curtis

Just For Fun: This Month's Feline Horoscope
Pisces (February 20 - March 20):


Your Pisces cat is extremely loyal and exquisitely sensitive to what you are experiencing. If you are upset about something, it's likely that you will find your feline Pisces pal sulking, too. This is great if you need some short-term commiseration, but you'll want to be careful that the two of you don't fall into a long-term cycle of sadness. Likewise, a Pisces cat can be completely happy if you are, and can even help you get happier if you're sad. Just try not to hurt his feelings; he can be sensitive.

Disclaimer: Our pet horoscopes are just for fun and are not meant to provide actual guidance. They are not written by astrologers and are intended for entertainment purposes only.

Enzadent Enzymatic Toothpaste by Vetquinol Finger Toothbrush For Cats Petite Cat Toothbrush