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Black Beauty
"Our black beauty!"
- Howard Ylinen
Ask the Vet


Dear Dr. Schelling,

My cat is great about not scratching at my couch, chairs, doorframes, or anything else on the main level of my home, but the upstairs is another story. She scratches at the wooden legs of my bed and the door frame of my sewing room where she likes to sleep while I work. Why would she behave in one area of my home but scratch my stuff in another?

–Shredded Second Story
Dear Shredded,

When I talk with people whose cats scratch in one area of the home but not others, I often find that there aren't adequate numbers or types of scratching posts in the area in which they are scratching inappropriately. Cats don't like to travel too far to find a scratching post when they need one. Luckily, there are some ways to predict where your cat will want to scratch so you can place your posts accordingly.

You can learn more in this article: "Why Some Cats Scratch Belongings in Certain Areas of the Home."

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Dr. Schelling is on Facebook, Instagram and Google+! Get up-to-date information on cat health, care, behavior and much more!

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nose-to-tail pet insurance coverage with Embrace


I was just adopted! I'm so happy. Before my mom brought me home, she took me to the veterinarian, who did a blood test on me for feline leukemia. I didn't have it, but I'm wondering if I could still get it. What is it, anyway?


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Dear Luke,

Congratulations on your new home! I'm glad you don't have feline leukemia; it's a pretty serious illness. If you don't have it now and stay inside from here on out, you probably won't be at great risk for contracting it, but you should still have your human learn all she can about it.

Here's a great article to find out what you need to know: "Feline Leukemia Virus."


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Have a question for Fancy? Email her at:

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Ask Fancy

Tiny kitten caught in storm drain prompts massive rescue effort.
For the Humans . . .
At, we want to help our human friends stay healthy, too. Summertime can be busy, and it's sometimes hard to eat healthfully when you're going from barbecue to pool party to campground and enjoying friends and good weather. The article "Jalapeño and Cilantro: Healthy Flavor Kings" discusses these two not so common health foods and why we should be sure to include them in our summertime diet. There's even a recipe for a delicious, easy dip that you can take and share at all your summer events.
Cats need to scratch on posts and pads they love.
Fancy's Mini Reviews

DA BIRD WAND CAT TOY: Da Bird has such realistic feathers that I can hardly stand it! When I see them, I can't stop myself from crouching, giving my rear end a shake, then pouncing as hard as I can. I usually catch Da Bird, too, because I'm an awesome hunter.

GO CAT GO ZIG-N-ZAG BALL: This toy acts like a mouse! I can't believe the way it zigs and zags all around, just like my prey. Since mice don't show up in my house very often, I can sometimes get bored. With this zig-n-zag ball around, there is NO way I could ever be bored again. It's all the fun of a mouse-hunt without the unsavory clean-up.

RATHERBEE CANDY STIX ORGANIC CATNIP TOY: For a just-because gift, my humans gave me a Candy Stick catnip toy. Purrr! This colorful, patterned toy is perfect for batting across the floor, tossing in the air, pouncing on, and playfully gnawing and clawing at. To sweeten the deal, the catnip inside is rated Top Quality by the Department of Cat Happiness and Entitlement.

Have a favorite product you want to review?
Send it to

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Head butts and facial rubs aren't only a kitty hello but a way for your cat to indicate that you're their purrson.
The reason cats climb is so that they can look down on almost every other animal...its also the reason they hate birds. -KC Buffington

Just For Fun: This Month's Feline Horoscope
Gemini (May 22 - June 20):


If you live with a Gemini cat, you are familiar with how independent they are. Your Gemini likes to become best friends with everyone and anyone who comes into your home. He'll want to learn everything he can from the new person and then wander off to digest the information and share it with his other friends. Geminis love to start projects, but they aren't so great at finishing them: you may have half-eaten treats and seventeen different toys scattered around your home at all times.

Disclaimer: Our pet horoscopes are just for fun and are not meant to provide actual guidance. They are not written by astrologers and are intended for entertainment purposes only.

Da Bird Wand Cat Toy Go Cat Go Zig-N-Zag Ball Ratherbee Candy Stix Organic Catnip Toy