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Ask the Vet


Dear Dr. Schelling,

My neighbor had his cat's teeth cleaned by a veterinarian last week. I've never even thought about caring for my cat's teeth! I have an appointment set up for my cat now, but it got me wondering whether there were other simple things about cat care that I've been missing. Can you help me out?

–Cat Care Basics
Dear Basics,

I'm glad you asked this question because I've found that there are certain things that cat owners tend to overlook regarding cat care. These are very common things that people do that can actually shorten their cats' lives. Luckily, these things are easy to remedy.

Take a look at my slideshow article:
"Are You Shortening Your Cat's Life?"

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Dr. Schelling is on Facebook, Instagram and Google+! Get up-to-date information on cat health, care, behavior and much more!

Like Dr. Schelling On Facebook Follow Dr. Schelling On Google+ Follow Dr. Schelling on Instagram

nose-to-tail pet insurance coverage with Embrace


I'm an Abyssinian cat, and I was hoping to see one of your famous interviews with someone from my breed. After all, we're tons of fun. Have you interviewed an Abyssinian yet?

–Sindy the 'Sinian

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Dear Sindy,

You're in luck; I did interview an Abyssinian! Aby and I had a wonderful conversation about the common characteristics of her breed (and yours). Then we had a fun play session.

You can read our interview here:
"Abyssinian Cats: An Interview with Fancy Cat."


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Have a question for Fancy? Email her at:

Like Fancy On Facebook Follow Cat Health on Twitter Watch Fancy on YouTube Follow Fancy on Pinterest

Ask Fancy

This cat's rear end perfectly mimics an elephant's head!
For the Humans . . .
If you're looking for one thing to add to your routine that will give you great health benefits and taste delicious, consider bone broth. It's packed full of many healthful nutrients, is tasty, and is quick and easy to make. You can learn about the many ways it can help you here: "The Benefits of Bone Broth."
Cats need to scratch on posts and pads they love.
Fancy's Mini Reviews

GO CAT GO BUTTERFLY BALL: My Go Cat Go Catnip Butterfly Ball is the perfect toy for when I'm feeling sassy. I can bat it and watch it flit, flutter, and flee across the floor, leaving tiny bits of catnip in its wake. As I follow along, licking up the catnip, I feel even more frisky and ready to bat the Butterfly Ball some more.

HONEYSUCKLE CUSHION: I have some friends that don't seem to care for catnip. I've always felt kind of bad that they didn't join in when the rest of us got our crazy on with a catnip party. Luckily, my human knows a thing or two about cats and got us some of these honeysuckle pillows. Turns out that cats that don't respond to catnip often react in a similar manner to honeysuckle. Now all of my buddies can join in the craziness!

RATHERBEE CANDY STIX ORGANIC CATNIP TOY: For a just-because gift, my humans gave me a Candy Stick catnip toy. Purrr! This colorful, patterned toy is perfect for batting across the floor, tossing in the air, pouncing on, and playfully gnawing and clawing at. To sweeten the deal, the catnip inside is rated Top Quality by the Department of Cat Happiness and Entitlement.

Have a favorite product you want to review?
Send it to

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Cats spend 30% of their waking lives grooming themselves.
No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. -Leo Dworken

Just For Fun: This Month's Feline Horoscope
Leo (July 23 - August 22):


Enthusiastic and caring, your feline Leo is able to encourage you when you're down. Your friends will be drawn to her because she's so warm and affectionate. In fact, your furry little Leo loves to be the center of attention and strives to gain peoples' admiration. This is one cat that may not love routine but thrives on different experiences instead. If you have multiple cats, the Leo is likely to be in the top cat position.

Disclaimer: Our pet horoscopes are just for fun and are not meant to provide actual guidance. They are not written by astrologers and are intended for entertainment purposes only.

Go Cat Go Butterfly Ball Honeysuckle Cushion Ratherbee Candy Stix Organic Catnip Toy