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Why subscribe? With the Mewsletter you get:
  • Informative yet easy-to-read articles by Dr. Christianne Schelling and her team of veterinarians and writers
  • Fancy the Head Office Cat's purrspective on products and cat-human relationships
  • Opportunities to share stories about your cats and how they've enriched your lives.
Cat subscribing to the Mewsletter
"I want to read the Mewsletter."
The Mewsletter is interactive. Dr. Schelling and Fancy feature their responses to selected questions from readers, and we regularly invite you to submit your experiences with your feline friends.

To subscribe, simply enter your email below. That's all there is to it! You can unsubscribe at any time.
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Got a dog at home in addition to a kitty?
Check out the Dog Health Newsletter. It's like the Mewsletter, except for dogs.

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